Sunday, September 15, 2013

Settling In

Hey people,

I know I haven't been here for that long but it already feels like I've been here forever. The rest of the API kids have finally arrived (my program) and just hearing about them doing orientation now seems so weird- that was so long ago for me. I had my first full week of classes this week and at the very least I know that I will survive it. I love my psych class- so easy and the professor is super nice. I also love my history professor- I'm the only history major here so he always seems to direct class only to me and we talk in between the 2 classes I have with him. It's nice because I normally don't talk to any of my professors at all so yay! Finally I officially hate my American Lit class, I don't like what we're doing or how the class is run or anyone in it, clearly this is going to be the time when I'm glad all of this is pass/fail at Stonehill.

More about Spain in general- I'm a pro at the metro, I don't even need to look at the signs anymore, I just know exactly where to go. I finally went for a walk in Retiro park without getting lost. I think I'm getting used to the food here, some days it's good and some days I have come to the realization that I have to eat it or starve which makes things a lot simpler. I really like my residencia and all the people who work here- I am now friends with the cleaning lady, the kitchen lady, and the laundry lady mostly because I do things kind of weird apparently and that's how they know me :) I have also found a Starbucks and a Dunkin Donuts on Gran Villa that are super close to walk to!! It was at the moment when I found those when I realized just how much I love it here and how excited I am to spend a whole semester here. And yes I know that should probably not been the thing that made me come to that realization but oh well!

El Palacio de Crystal in Retiro

The one exciting thing I did this week was go on an extra credit field trip for my history class. We went to Alcala de Henares, which is a small town outside Madrid and is actually super cool and full of so many fun history facts. We took a train to get there and then walked around with Hector (my professor) giving us a very detailed tour. We saw the place where Catherine of Aragon was born, the place where Christopher Columbus asked Queen Isabella for money to go on his journey and Miguel de Cervantes house- he wrote Don Quixote. Then we went to the Regional Archeology Museum to see a special exhibit on Hannibal. The one thing I will never get used to is eating so late- I was starving the whole time and we finally got to get lunch at 2:30 because we begged even though that was apparently too early. I finally tried some tapas which were amazing and then we went home.


Plaza in Alcala de Henares
That's pretty much all for now but next weekend I'm off to Portugal so I will post again after that!


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