Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Segovia and Santander

Hey people,

So this post is about last weekend when I was traveling around to different cities in Spain. On Friday I went on a history field trip to Segovia with 3 other girls from Suffolk, our professor, and a lot of other kids from his class from University of San Diego. I can happily say he likes us better because they're all crazy and he spent the whole day with us :) The first thing we saw when we got there was the aqueduct which was amazing. It's still so in tact and also really looks like it could fall down any second I have no idea how it's still standing. After that we went to the cathedral and had lunch. Our last stop was the Alcazar (castle) where I climbed 152 stairs to get to the top, laid down on the ground for 10 minutes (I'm apparently very out of shape and I hate stairs), and then got to appreciate the amazing view. After that we headed back to Madrid.

The Aqueduct

The Cathedral

Plaza Mayor

Me, Jordan, and Kira where Isabella was crowned Queen

El Alcazar

The view
The next day API (my study abroad program) took us to Santander for the weekend. Santander is the capitol of Cantabria in the north of Spain. After a 6 hour bus ride we arrived and I was pleasantly surprised to find the weather was beautiful, which was great because we were right next to the beach. After getting a quick lunch and stopping for ice cream we went to see the royal summer palace and is currently being used as a summer school. After we saw exact replicas of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria- so tiny haha. Then we walked to the city center and just wandered around for a while. To end the night me and a few friends got a pizza and a bottle of wine and chilled on the beach for a few hours.

Ice cream and the beach- perfect day


The boats
The next day we headed to Las Cuevas de Altamira, which are these amazing caves with some of the oldest and most detailed cave paintings ever found. Unfortunately you can't go in the real caves so we only saw a replica- which you can't take pictures of weirdly. Then we went to this awesome small medieval town called Santillana del Mar. We got lunch and walked around and I found a torture museum that made me so excited until I realized we had to leave and I couldn't go in :( Then we left for another 6 hour bus ride home.

It looked so awesome!!
That's it for that weekend but this weekend I'm going to Paris ahhhhhhh I can't wait I'm sooooo excited!!!!!


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