Friday, December 13, 2013

The End

Hey People,

Today is officially my last day in Madrid. I still can't quite believe that, it feels like I just got here. I am excited to go home and see my friends and my family and my dog and most importantly eat a ton of good food, but at the same time I really don't want to leave. This has been one of the best experiences of my life and the idea that it's ending is killing me. The second I left America I was homesick and the first week I was here I hated it and just wanted to go home. Since then so much has changed and believe it or not I wasn't homesick once after that. I loved Madrid a lot more than I thought I would and the worst part about leaving is the idea that I can't just go back and visit- it's kind of far away. I'm going to miss so many things about this place- my favorite restaurants, going for walks in Retiro, being able to travel so easily. I'm also going to miss some of the people I met here- I made some really good friends. In my last week I have finished all my classes, papers, and finals and wandered around Madrid doing all the things that I hadn't done yet. I finished my Christmas shopping and I packed all my stuff. I've even said most of my goodbyes at a farewell dinner last night. I'm sitting in my empty room right now crying and already missing Madrid. But it's ok, I have no regrets and I know that someday I'll come back again. Hopefully my next and final blog post once I'm home will be slightly happier than this one haha sorry about that. But for now hasta luego Madrid, it's been absolutely wonderful.

Giant Christmas Tree

Dinner at the oldest restaurant in the world

Christmas Market


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sevilla and so much other stuff

Hey people,

Sorry it's been so long since I've written but now I finally have time. Last week was officially the worst week ever. It started off with a cooking workshop that I almost single-handedly destroyed and was asked to watch and not touch anything. Then I had to write 3 papers, do 2 projects, and study for a test after finding out that the laundry lady lost my favorite pair of jeans. The week ended spectacularly with me getting so sick I felt like I was dying and I had to cancel my trip to Belfast.

Me observing other people cook

Things have improved since then and this last weekend I went on my last trip with API to Sevilla. We took the fast train (it was going 280 km/hr!!) which was super cool and so much faster than the bus. While I spent most of the weekend doing homework I did get to see some of the sights including the Guadalquivir river, the old Jewish quarter, the alcazar (royal palace) and the cathedral. In the cathedral I even walked to the top of the bell tower (35 stories thank God it was ramps) and it had the most amazing view. I also got to see a flamenco show, which was pretty awesome.



Inside the Alcazar

Tomb of Christopher Columbus

Sevilla from above

Me at the river

This week I had my last class on Monday and my friend Liza and her friend Hannah came to visit. It was so great having Liza here and showing the two of them all the sights and eating so much good food. We also got to go to the Terra Cotta army exhibit that I've been wanting to see for a while now which was pretty cool. Although it showed just how much of a history nerd I am when I realized that I had already seen the documentary they were showing a while ago on my own haha.

Liza and a Terra Cotta warrior
I almost forgot, but before Sevilla it was Thanksgiving!!! API threw us a dinner with all the food and decorated with Thanksgiving things. The food was fine but I really miss all the food I would have gotten at home. I was super lucky though and got to Skype with my whole family when I got back to my room. I can't wait to see everyone in person at Christmas. The best part of Thanksgiving this year though was the fact that I have so much to be thankful for right now. This study abroad experience has been so amazing and I can't believe it's almost over, coming home is going to be so bitter sweet. I still have a bunch of stuff planned for before I leave though so I'll write again soon!
